Brain Health

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LIFO: Strengthening Your Brain’s Weakest Link to Stop Memory Loss about false

LIFO: Strengthening Your Brain’s Weakest Link to Stop Memory Loss

Discover how targeting the brain's weakest links can help prevent memory loss. Learn about the "last in, first out" (LIFO) network hypothesis.

Losing This Can Protect Your Memory about false

Brain Health

Losing This Can Protect Your Memory

Discover how losing belly fat can protect your memory. Learn why BMI isn't the best measure for Alzheimer's risk.

Is Your Medicine Cabinet A Minefield For Your Memory? about false

Brain Health

Is Your Medicine Cabinet A Minefield For Your Memory?

Discover the hidden dangers lurking in your medicine cabinet. Nearly half of dementia patients take potentially harmful medications.

Do You Have "Low Omega-3" Symptoms? about false

Brain Health

Do You Have "Low Omega-3" Symptoms?

Learn the little-known symptoms of low omega-3 levels and deficiency. Plus, how to boost your omega-3 intake for clearer thinking and more.

Brain Science

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New Trigger Of Cellular Aging Can Help Your Brain Stay Young about false

New Trigger Of Cellular Aging Can Help Your Brain Stay Young

Discover groundbreaking research on cellular aging and how to use nutrients to maintain cell membrane integrity and prevent diseases like Alzheimer's.

Why Some Memories Stay Clear While Others Don’t about false

Brain Science

Why Some Memories Stay Clear While Others Don’t

Some events from decades ago are crystal clear, while recent events can be fuzzy and difficult to recall. Why? The reason can help you sharpen your memory.

The Common Yet Little Known Condition Often Misdiagnosed As Dementia May Affect Up To Half of All Patients! about false

Brain Science

The Common Yet Little Known Condition Often Misdiagnosed As Dementia May Affect Up To Half of All Patients!

Discover the common, little-known condition often misdiagnosed as dementia. Up to half of those at specialized memory clinics have this instead.

New Discovery About Your Genes and Your Chances of Alzheimer’s Disease about false

Brain Science

New Discovery About Your Genes and Your Chances of Alzheimer’s Disease

The APOE e4 gene increases your risk for Alzheimer's disease. And a new analysis shows having TWO of them is even worse.

Brainy Occupations Can Save Your Memory about false

Brainy Occupations Can Save Your Memory

Study shows having a "brainy" occupation can save your memory. What researchers discovered can help you prevent memory loss no matter your profession.

This Easy Brain Hack May be The Best Way to Supercharge Your Memory about false


This Easy Brain Hack May be The Best Way to Supercharge Your Memory

Easy brain hack combining two kinds of exercise with brain games can improve your thinking and clarity.

Hidden Fat Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease about false


Hidden Fat Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease

Explore the link between hidden visceral fat and Alzheimer’s disease even in slim individuals.

15 Early Onset Dementia Risk Factors: Discover The Easiest Way To Avoid Middle-Age Dementia about false


15 Early Onset Dementia Risk Factors: Discover The Easiest Way To Avoid Middle-Age Dementia

Discover the easiest way to avoid middle-age dementia by understanding 15 risk factors that are behind the explosion in dementia diagnoses.

Natural Health

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How Bacopa Monnieri Can Elevate Your Focus and Reduce Anxiety Naturally about false

How Bacopa Monnieri Can Elevate Your Focus and Reduce Anxiety Naturally

Discover how Bacopa Monnieri, an ancient Ayurvedic herb, can elevate your focus and reduce anxiety naturally.

Protect Your Memory With “Liquid Gold” about false

Natural Health

Protect Your Memory With “Liquid Gold”

Discover how extra virgin olive oil can protect your memory and lower the risk of dementia-related death by 28% in Harvard research.

Cognizin®: Nature's Secret for Sharper Learning, Attention, Focus, and Memory about false

Natural Health

Cognizin®: Nature's Secret for Sharper Learning, Attention, Focus, and Memory

Learn how to enhance your focus, attention, memory, and cognitive performance with this powerful nootropic, Cognizin®

Feeling Blue? Lift Your Mood With This Red Spice…
And It Relieves Anxiety, Too! about false

Natural Health

Feeling Blue? Lift Your Mood With This Red Spice… And It Relieves Anxiety, Too!

One of the best natural ways to relieve feelings of anxiety and depression that you won’t hear about from your doctor.

Popular Holiday Staple Fights Dementia about false

Popular Holiday Staple Fights Dementia

Surprising memory health benefits of cheese.

Sushi’s Secret Brain Booster about false


Sushi’s Secret Brain Booster

Wasabi might be the healthiest part of sushi

Brain Food: Sweet Fruit Boosts Your Memory about false


Brain Food: Sweet Fruit Boosts Your Memory

Strawberries are great for your memory and brain function.

Safe, Easy Way to Sharpen Memory: Garlic Extract and Cognitive Function about false


Safe, Easy Way to Sharpen Memory: Garlic Extract and Cognitive Function

Discover how garlic extract fights memory loss to reduce brain inflammation and bad protein deposits.