Boost Brain Energy 14% By Doing One Thing about false

Boost Brain Energy 14% By Doing One Thing

Boost your brain's energy by 14% with the supplement citicoline, backed by groundbreaking research from University College London.

6 Ways Phosphatidylserine Boosts Your Brain about false


6 Ways Phosphatidylserine Boosts Your Brain

Discover how phosphatidylserine (PS) boosts brain health by enhancing memory, reducing stress, improving focus, and supporting cognitive function.

Does Eating Red Meat Raise Your Risk of Memory Loss? about false


Does Eating Red Meat Raise Your Risk of Memory Loss?

Harvard research links this kind of red meat to a higher risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

Popular Holiday Staple Fights Dementia about false


Popular Holiday Staple Fights Dementia

Surprising memory health benefits of cheese.

Sushi’s Secret Brain Booster about false


Sushi’s Secret Brain Booster

Wasabi might be the healthiest part of sushi

Brain Food: Sweet Fruit Boosts Your Memory about false


Brain Food: Sweet Fruit Boosts Your Memory

Strawberries are great for your memory and brain function.

Safe, Easy Way to Sharpen Memory: Garlic Extract and Cognitive Function about false


Safe, Easy Way to Sharpen Memory: Garlic Extract and Cognitive Function

Discover how garlic extract fights memory loss to reduce brain inflammation and bad protein deposits.

Eat This Berry Daily And Boost Your Mood about false


Eat This Berry Daily And Boost Your Mood

Kiwifruit, also called Chinese gooseberry, is one of the healthiest berries around

Your Brain Depends on Vitamin C to Keep Your Memory Strong about false


Your Brain Depends on Vitamin C to Keep Your Memory Strong

Vitamin C has now been shown to be vitally important for the brain and for the strength and function of your memory.

This Sugar May Be Silently Wrecking Your Memory about false


This Sugar May Be Silently Wrecking Your Memory

It's very well known that sugar and, in particular, the sugar called fructose, can wreak havoc on the body and brain. And now a group of researchers believe fructose may be connected to the increase

Lower Your Dementia Risk 40 Percent With A Vitamin? about false


Lower Your Dementia Risk 40 Percent With A Vitamin?

When it comes to fighting dementia, the mainstream has nothing new to offer.It’s the same old risky drugs… unproven therapies… and endless hours of “investigative” scans and procedures.Fortunately,

SNAP Knocks Two Years Off Brain Aging about false


SNAP Knocks Two Years Off Brain Aging

For good brain health, diet matters. As we’ve reported here many times, long-term consumption of a Mediterranean style diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and olive oil, leads to better cognition in

How Food Can Rejuvenate Aging Brain Blood Vessels about false


How Food Can Rejuvenate Aging Brain Blood Vessels

The brain is protected from toxins and other insults by the blood-brain barrier. It’s an important line of defense against damage and infection. But with aging it becomes “leaky,” leaving the brain

Are You Getting Enough Of This Memory-Boosting Nutrient? about false


Are You Getting Enough Of This Memory-Boosting Nutrient?

For your brain to function at its best, it needs a crucial nutrient that allows its neurons to keep properly firing off their messages to one another.This nutrient is particulary important because it

This Might Be The Easiest Way To Stop Dementia about false


This Might Be The Easiest Way To Stop Dementia

If you’re anything like me, you’re doing everything possible to stop dementia before it starts. Especially if one of your close relatives suffered from Alzheimer’s leaving you at genetic risk for the

Eleven Memory-Boosting Nutrients Put To the Test about false


Eleven Memory-Boosting Nutrients Put To the Test

A lot has been written about how the right nutrients can help your brain stay in better shape as you get older.To test some of those claims, researchers in Europe spent two years investigating the

Can This Vitamin Solve A Root Cause Of Alzheimer’s Disease? about false


Can This Vitamin Solve A Root Cause Of Alzheimer’s Disease?

It’s no secret that certain nutrients are good for your brain. Nutrients like vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids are often touted for staving off Alzheimer’s and other memory-robbing

The Vitamin Secret to a Healthy Brain about false


The Vitamin Secret to a Healthy Brain

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably doing everything you can to avoid Alzheimer’s disease. Because without a sharp mind, you will slowly lose your independence… and identity.That’s why you

This Fiber Can Cut Your Risk of Dementia about false


This Fiber Can Cut Your Risk of Dementia

When the saying “roughage keeps you regular” was coined it reflected fiber’s ability to prevent or relieve constipation.Soon doctors were touting the benefits of dietary fiber for everything from

Is Vitamin B Deficiency an Early Warning Sign of Dementia? about false


Is Vitamin B Deficiency an Early Warning Sign of Dementia?

In an ongoing exploration of the origins of dementia, researchers from the United States and Israel coordinated a large cohort study to examine a common nutritional deficiency - folate, or vitamin

Boost the Impact of Exercise on Memory with One Mineral about false


Boost the Impact of Exercise on Memory with One Mineral

It's been well-established that aerobic exercise improves brain health. But researchers haven't been able to identify the specific pathways that make this possible.But now researchers at the

Is Too Much Calcium Bad for Your Brain? about false


Is Too Much Calcium Bad for Your Brain?

When you think about how the mineral calcium affects your health, chances are the first thing that pops into your head is how this mighty mineral strengthens your bones.But if certain researchers

Powerful Memory Protector Identified in a Common Berry about false


Powerful Memory Protector Identified in a Common Berry

By now, just about everybody should know that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can support a healthier brain and a sharp memory for years to come.But the latest research has begun to pick apart

Forgotten Vitamin Can Help Keep Your Memory Sharp about false


Forgotten Vitamin Can Help Keep Your Memory Sharp

For decades this vitamin has been overlooked for its importance in keeping your memory sharp as you age, but now it’s finally getting some of the attention it deserves.I’m talking about vitamin K.And

Can Eating Cheese Boost Your Memory about false


Can Eating Cheese Boost Your Memory

Medical authorities are sticking to their guns when it comes to advice on high fat dairy foods like cheese. They suggest replacing cheese, milk and yogurt with low or non-fat versions to protect

Why the MIND Diet is Proven to Cut Alzheimer’s Risk in Half about false


Why the MIND Diet is Proven to Cut Alzheimer’s Risk in Half

One of the best ways to deal with Alzheimer’s disease?Make sure you never get it in the first place. And one of the more effective methods for lowering your risk of Alzheimer’s disease is to build up

Japanese Dietary Staple Helps Retain Memories about false


Japanese Dietary Staple Helps Retain Memories

Alzheimer's happens when there’s damage to the brain's gray matter.But deeper parts of the brain, where white matter is located, can also suffer damage that leads to cognitive decline and

Why Your Memory Will Love a Keto Diet about false


Why Your Memory Will Love a Keto Diet

If you’re a loyal follower of Brain Health Breakthroughs, there’s a good chance you’ve read about the benefits of a ketogenic diet in one of our articles.Researchers have found this type of diet may

This Summer Fruit Preserves Memory about false


This Summer Fruit Preserves Memory

A plant pigment that gives color to many fruits and vegetables has multiple protective properties that could shield the brain from Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases.Being natural, the

Here’s How to Help Your Body Produce its Own Brain Booster about false


Here’s How to Help Your Body Produce its Own Brain Booster

A sharper brain is a less inflamed brain.Inflammation is one of the brain’s worst enemies. As you age, your immune cells can get stuck in a continual state of attack mode – called chronic

A Single Junk Food Meal Damages the Blood Vessels and the Brain about false


A Single Junk Food Meal Damages the Blood Vessels and the Brain

People may get away with eating a nutritionally poor diet for a time, but eventually the damage it causes to the body will appear as heart disease, dementia, cancer and other chronic, debilitating

Feast on Flavonoids that Fight Alzheimer’s about false


Feast on Flavonoids that Fight Alzheimer’s

Research into how Alzheimer’s disease develops shows that little everyday habits produce big results in keeping your brain healthy. First and foremost of those habits are the foods you eat.If you’re

New Research Reveals Effects of Food Combinations on Brain Health about false


New Research Reveals Effects of Food Combinations on Brain Health

Regular readers know this familiar brain health mantra: exercise regularly, manage stress, eat lots of different fruits and vegetables, and supplement wisely.It seems that every day there’s another

The Antioxidant in Kale, Spinach and Tea That Slashes Your Risk of Alzheimer's about false


The Antioxidant in Kale, Spinach and Tea That Slashes Your Risk of Alzheimer's

You’ve heard for decades now how eating more fruit and vegetables can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and obesity. And for readers of this newsletter, you also know a diet

Can These Foods Make You Happier? about false


Can These Foods Make You Happier?

The pursuit of happiness has become a cultural obsession. Of course, people have always wanted to be happy. That’s not new. But now it’s been turned into a science.Numerous TED talks advise us on how

Should We Seek Out Foods High in This Forgotten Brain Nutrient? about false


Should We Seek Out Foods High in This Forgotten Brain Nutrient?

Linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's and certain cancers, it's easy to see why olive oil - especially extra virgin - is popular with

Build a Better Brain with this Vitamin about false


Build a Better Brain with this Vitamin

If you want to maximize your thinking power and clear up a foggy memory, then you need to know about a vitamin that allows the neurons in your brain to link up effectively and communicate with each

Core Ingredient of the Mediterranean Diet Keeps Dementia at Bay about false


Core Ingredient of the Mediterranean Diet Keeps Dementia at Bay

The traditional diet of people living on the Greek island of Crete is well-known for its ability to promote a healthy and long life.One element of their diet counts for as much as a third of an

The Nutrients that Get Together to Boost Your Brain Power about false


The Nutrients that Get Together to Boost Your Brain Power

The neurons in your brain need a lot of nutritional support to do their jobs, because they never stop working.They need a steady stream of nutrients to protect them from destructive oxidation and

This Nutrient is Absolutely Essential to Brain Health – And Most People are Deficient about false


This Nutrient is Absolutely Essential to Brain Health – And Most People are Deficient

Frequent readers of this site know that throughout the years I’ve shared piles of evidence linking a healthy, nutrient-rich diet with optimal brain function.But I recently discovered there’s one

This Memory Nutrient has a Strange Source about false


This Memory Nutrient has a Strange Source

Some of the most powerful nutrients yet discovered for ensuring a sharper, stronger memory are made naturally by your own body.I’m talking about nutrients like enzymes and vitamin D. Recently,

This Gift of the Grape Can Protect Memory and May Fight Depression about false


This Gift of the Grape Can Protect Memory and May Fight Depression

A nutrient that gets a lot of attention for slowing down aging is now also being recognized for the good things it does for your brain and mood.Those good things include improving memory, protecting

NAC is Proven Effective Against Brain Problems about false


NAC is Proven Effective Against Brain Problems

I was a late convert to the wonders of NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), a well-known nutrient. Somehow I overlooked it.But now I’m a full believer and proselytizer. I got religion when I learned that NAC is

This Little-Discussed Nutrient is a Priceless Brain Food about false


This Little-Discussed Nutrient is a Priceless Brain Food

Your brain needs to be protected from itself.That’s because your brain is a workaholic, always chugging along overtime, relaying messages from neuron to neuron. Those messages are whirling around you

This Old Standby is One of the Best Things You Can do for Your Brain about false


This Old Standby is One of the Best Things You Can do for Your Brain

Back in 1970, Nobel Prizewinner Linus Pauling made headlines when he said large amounts of vitamin C could cure or prevent the common cold.It was probably the first introduction most Americans had to

Drug/Nutrient/Beverage Mix Reverses Memory Loss about false


Drug/Nutrient/Beverage Mix Reverses Memory Loss

Three decades ago, pharmacist and cancer researcher Ross Pelton, PhD, described a certain combination of two ingredients as "the most potent memory enhancing therapy yet discovered."Today, with a few

Your Spice Cabinet is Full of Brain “Medicines” Besides Curcumin about false


Your Spice Cabinet is Full of Brain “Medicines” Besides Curcumin

In these pages we’ve let you know that sage, cinnamon, turmeric, and saffron are all powerful brain boosters. Sage is so potent, it’s an ingredient in a brain supplement from our sister company,

Let Coffee Make You Brilliant about false


Let Coffee Make You Brilliant

If you’re a fan of caffeine like me, you’re well aware of its power to enhance cognition. It obviously gives you energy, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Beyond all the get-up-and-go, I find

This Vitamin Is Vital for Protecting Your Brain and Nerves about false


This Vitamin Is Vital for Protecting Your Brain and Nerves

In looking into the importance of a vitamin you need to keep your brain and nerve tissue healthy, I’ve had to wonder – when is a widespread lack of a nutrient a national emergency?Because every time

Garlic May be the New “Must-Have” for the Brain about false


Garlic May be the New “Must-Have” for the Brain

Used for over three thousand years for conditions ranging from hemorrhoids to snake bites, modern scientists have confirmed the healing properties of garlic. This intense, aromatic, and flavorful

Want Some Extra Brain Power with That Dessert? about false


Want Some Extra Brain Power with That Dessert?

If you’re like me, when you think about dessert, you probably consider it a guilty pleasure, not a healthy option.But at least many desserts contain an appealing spice that stimulates the brain as

For Brain Health, One Food Makes All the Difference about false


For Brain Health, One Food Makes All the Difference

Botanically, it's closer to an animal than a plant. Some types glow in the dark, others are hallucinogenic, many are poisonous.Fortunately, the safe, edible variety is not only chock full of

Beware the Foods Linked to Alzheimer’s about false


Beware the Foods Linked to Alzheimer’s

In Issue #583 I warned about the brain dangers of BMAA, a toxin produced by cyanobacteria. These are very common microbes found in algae blooms in lakes and oceanic red tides – and recently linked to

The Four Worst Foods for Your Brain (And some of them have been called “healthy”!) about false


The Four Worst Foods for Your Brain (And some of them have been called “healthy”!)

You know omega-3-rich fish, berries and even dark chocolate are your brain’s best friends. But did you know that for every brainy food out there, there’s a tempting food that can undo all your good

This Is a Tasty Way to Improve Your Memory about false


This Is a Tasty Way to Improve Your Memory

It’s a well-accepted fact that all of us are going to experience memory changes with the passing years. But some of us will do better than others and hang on to more of our mental

If You Take Only Three Brain Supplements, Make Sure This is One of Them about false


If You Take Only Three Brain Supplements, Make Sure This is One of Them

Many nutrients play their part in lowering the risk of Alzheimer's, but one in particular stands out in importance. Yet only one American adult out of every nine meets the recommended “Adequate

This Surprising Nutrient Could be the Most Important for Brain Health about false


This Surprising Nutrient Could be the Most Important for Brain Health

If you want your brain to be at its best from now until a ripe old age, there’s one crucial nutrient that may be the most vital. For years everyone – including me – has thought of it as an eye

The Tree Nut that Keeps Dementia at Bay about false


The Tree Nut that Keeps Dementia at Bay

The industry has thrived in the state of Oregon for over a century.Grown in 800 orchards -- many of which have been farmed by the same family for generations – and covering 70,000 acres, the state

The Mighty Vegetable that Rejuvenates Your Brain about false


The Mighty Vegetable that Rejuvenates Your Brain

A few years ago I would have thought it unlikely, but beets have risen close to the top of the superfood hit parade. They not only support your brain and boost muscle performance but also keep your

The Right Foods Can Keep Immune Cells from Destroying Your Memory about false


The Right Foods Can Keep Immune Cells from Destroying Your Memory

Your immune system can be your best friend – when it protects you from pathogens – or your worst nightmare when it goes on the blink. . .. . .because misbehaving immune cells can cause as much harm

This Popular Food is Addictive – and Shrinks Your Brain about false


This Popular Food is Addictive – and Shrinks Your Brain

You’d think that if a food additive has been proven capable of both wrecking your physical health and endangering your brain, we’d all avoid it like it was poison.But we don’t. It remains one of the

Your Brain is Hungry for This Antioxidant Mineral about false


Your Brain is Hungry for This Antioxidant Mineral

One of your brain’s biggest enemies is oxidative stress – the buildup of toxic molecules called free radicals that can oxidize and destroy neurons and the network connections among brain cells. When

Can’t Afford Brain Supplements? The Most Vital Ones Cost Practically Nothing about false


Can’t Afford Brain Supplements? The Most Vital Ones Cost Practically Nothing

One of the good things about brain health is that the main things you need are inexpensive or even free.For example, you've got to have two simple vitamins that offer priceless protection from a

The "Smart" Mushroom that Could Keep You Mentally Sharp for Life about false


The "Smart" Mushroom that Could Keep You Mentally Sharp for Life

What was her secret?It's not only that neurobiologist Rita Levi-Montalcini lived to the age of 103, the only Nobel prize winner who ever achieved that distinction.It's that she was still engaged in

This “Eye Supplement” Puts a Stop to Alzheimer's about false


This “Eye Supplement” Puts a Stop to Alzheimer's

"This is a major breakthrough in the management of Alzheimer's disease." So states Professor John Nolan, lead scientist in a new human trial.He wasn’t talking about a new drug. He was talking about a

This Food Combination Acts Like a Brain-Addictive Drug about false


This Food Combination Acts Like a Brain-Addictive Drug

Over a century ago, Dr. William Howard Hay proposed that meals heavy in proteins and carbohydrates upset the digestive system and lead to weight gain.The Hay (food combining) Diet still has loyal

Fish Oil in This Form has Extra Benefits about false


Fish Oil in This Form has Extra Benefits

If you’ve read anything about alternative medicine in the last 20 years, you’ve probably heard the main reason to eat fish is the omega 3 fatty acids, found at especially high levels in oily fish

Eat This Once a Day to Protect Your Eyes and Improve Brain Function about false


Eat This Once a Day to Protect Your Eyes and Improve Brain Function

Added to salads or smoothies, its green, creamy texture is high in fiber and chock-full of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and healthy fats.One important carotenoid found in this nutrient-dense

The Melt-In-Your-Mouth Treat that Boosts the Brain about false


The Melt-In-Your-Mouth Treat that Boosts the Brain

Switzerland leads the world, consuming almost 20 pounds per person annually. The US trails in 9th place. We only munch our way through a mere 9½ pounds.Then again, the Swiss are renowned for their

Raw or Cooked? Lift Your Spirits with the Right Choice about false


Raw or Cooked? Lift Your Spirits with the Right Choice

Fresh, frozen, canned or dried; it doesn't matter. Just make sure you include at least 14 ounces in your diet every day.That's the message of Fruits & Veggies - More Matters®. This initiative was

Two-Nutrient Combo Lowers Risk of Alzheimer’s  Better than Either One Alone about false


Two-Nutrient Combo Lowers Risk of Alzheimer’s Better than Either One Alone

Researchers have stumbled on a super-powered duo of nutrients that may be able to rescue your brain from the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other debilitating disorders.According to some of the most

Priceless Protein Helps Your Brain Manufacture New Cells about false


Priceless Protein Helps Your Brain Manufacture New Cells

If you want to keep your memory going strong as you get older, you need to know that taurine is central to the health of the brain’s neurons. Although not technically one of the “amino acids” you

A Serving of Squash Lowers Your Risk of Dementia about false


A Serving of Squash Lowers Your Risk of Dementia

If you’ve been indulging in sweet squash this winter, like acorn, butternut, or sugar pumpkin, you made a good choice for your overall health. You may even have reduced your risk of dementia.Why?

You Don't Have to Rely on Beetroot Juice to Boost Blood Flow to the Brain about false


You Don't Have to Rely on Beetroot Juice to Boost Blood Flow to the Brain

It decreases blood pressure, boosts athletic performance and improves cognitive function, but a lot of people just don’t like beetroot juice.This was demonstrated in a trial of 14 participants where

Nutrient-Rich Nuts Can Nudge Up Your Brain Power about false


Nutrient-Rich Nuts Can Nudge Up Your Brain Power

If there’s one piece of diet advice I feel completely confident in giving, it’s “Eat nuts.”To start with, they’re a wonderful high-fat snack to replace the carbohydrates nearly everyone eats too much

Does Salt Raise the Risk of Dementia? about false


Does Salt Raise the Risk of Dementia?

I'm sure you've received the message loud and clear by now that too much salt is bad for you. Medical authorities tell us it pushes up blood pressure, thereby contributing to heart attacks and

This One Protein Can Make the Difference in Brain Health about false


This One Protein Can Make the Difference in Brain Health

There’s a protein that produces huge benefits for the brain. This assertion is a fact; it’s been proven.Study after study shows this substance – brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) – keeps the



New Research Says It All: This Supplement Works, and It Works Fast

Your brain cells require specialized types of cell membranes to keep your memory functioning.And each of those membranes requires a particular type of substance that gives it the right structure and

You Need a Wide Range of Fatty Acids  For a Healthy Brain about false


You Need a Wide Range of Fatty Acids For a Healthy Brain

For a healthy heart, most of our savvy readers know they need two omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA from fish oils.Probably there aren't as many people who know they also need these fats if they want

Don’t Overlook the Health Benefits of this Neglected Grain about false


Don’t Overlook the Health Benefits of this Neglected Grain

Every 40 seconds someone in the US has a stroke, which makes it one of the leading causes of long-term disability.1 Chances are pretty high that someone you know has been disabled by one.But there’s

This “Universal Antioxidant” Boosts Your Brain in Two Ways about false


This “Universal Antioxidant” Boosts Your Brain in Two Ways

There’s one antioxidant that’s so important in helping boost the brain’s health, many enthusiasts call it a “universal antioxidant.” In fact, more than 20 years ago this particular supplement was one

Foods That Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease about false


Foods That Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Fish is one of those foods we’ve heard is good for the heart. Recent research has discovered that eating fish can likewise preserve your brain function as you age.A 2016 study at Rush Medical Center

When Choosing Brain Supplements, Don’t Overlook This Old Standby about false


When Choosing Brain Supplements, Don’t Overlook This Old Standby

Vitamin C more or less started the whole current wave of alternative health more than 50 years ago when Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize winner, first told the world this vitamin could treat the common

Certain Foods and Medications Can Increase the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease about false


Certain Foods and Medications Can Increase the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is characterized by tremors, loss of balance and decreased mobility. It affects roughly one million people in the United States. It’s not a fatal disease, but as it progresses it

Protect Your Brain with This Crucial Vitamin about false


Protect Your Brain with This Crucial Vitamin

About 90 percent of American men and 96 percent of women don’t get enough vitamin E in their food or supplements. That’s bad news, because new research shows it’s essential for preventing memory

This Food Makes Great Brain Medicine about false


This Food Makes Great Brain Medicine

For quite a while, medical researchers have explored all the ways a wonderfully helpful food acts as preventive medicine for the brain, keeping memory problems at bay.As a result, people whose

Your Iron Levels Are Probably Putting Your Health at Risk about false


Your Iron Levels Are Probably Putting Your Health at Risk

Many people take iron supplements to defend against iron-deficiency anemia, a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells.This kind of anemia is caused by factors like poor diet,

Losing Weight This Way Puts You at Risk of Dementia about false


Losing Weight This Way Puts You at Risk of Dementia

We touched on the dangers of artificial sweeteners, particularly in diet sodas, back in Issue #301…And since that time diet soda consumption in the United States has continued to increase. Among

Seaweed Extract Shows Every Sign of Being a Powerful Brain-Booster about false


Seaweed Extract Shows Every Sign of Being a Powerful Brain-Booster

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, three PhD students at the University of Iowa were developing drugs to combat cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease.They started to question the

Major Impact on Brain Health From Little-Known Dietary Ingredient about false


Major Impact on Brain Health From Little-Known Dietary Ingredient

Its reported health benefits include reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, deterring weight gain, lowering the risks of colon cancer, stroke and cardiovascular diseases, and eliminating waste and

It's Crazy Not to Eat This Vegetable about false


It's Crazy Not to Eat This Vegetable

" seems crazy not to eat it on a regular basis."That's the view of UK-registered dietitian and TV nutritionist Carrie Ruxton. She was extolling the nutritional properties and wide-ranging health

This Vegetable Gives Your Brain Powerful Protection about false


This Vegetable Gives Your Brain Powerful Protection

Every 40 seconds somebody in the US suffers a stroke. And due to stroke’s devastating consequences, someone dies of one every four minutes.But now researchers from the UK have proved that a chemical

Eating Like This Reduces Your Risk of Alzheimer's By Half about false


Eating Like This Reduces Your Risk of Alzheimer's By Half

What would you say if I told you there’s a delicious way to adjust your diet that could reduce your risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease and dementia by 53%?And not only can you reduce your risk of

Goji Berries Possess a Unique Brain Nutrient about false


Goji Berries Possess a Unique Brain Nutrient

By now you know fruits and vegetables are essential if you want to maintain a healthy brain and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia…However, not all fruits and

Could Eating These Vegetables Increase Your Risk of Dementia? about false


Could Eating These Vegetables Increase Your Risk of Dementia?

Along with physical and mental exercise and sound sleep, eating fresh fruits and vegetables is the first line of defense if you want to keep your brain healthy as you age.But there’s a slight catch:

Reap The Cognitive Benefits of Ketones Without The Full Ketogenic Diet about false


Reap The Cognitive Benefits of Ketones Without The Full Ketogenic Diet

As a regular reader of Brain Health Breakthroughs, you’re probably familiar with the idea of a ketogenic diet.In essence, it means fueling your body with fats instead of carbohydrates. Carbs are

Drinking This Increases Your Risk For Dementia about false


Drinking This Increases Your Risk For Dementia

This type of beverage comes in countless flavors and goes by many names...You can find it in every restaurant, fast food chain and grocery store in the country… and about 48% of all Americans

New Food Compound is a Valuable Addition to Your Brain Protection Plan about false


New Food Compound is a Valuable Addition to Your Brain Protection Plan

There’s a natural chemical found in a wide variety of food and drinks that’s powerfully good for your body and brain.It has antioxidant properties that bolster your body’s defenses against daily

This Food Contains Brain-Supporting Properties Not Found Anywhere Else about false


This Food Contains Brain-Supporting Properties Not Found Anywhere Else

mushrooms could play a role in preventing Alzheimer's disease and other age-related neurodegenerative diseases.

These Popular Foods Can Fry Your Brain about false


These Popular Foods Can Fry Your Brain

To most folks, a fried or grilled piece of meat smells great when it’s cooking and tastes wonderful when you eat it.But your brain isn’t as pleased as your taste buds when you chow down on those

Your Brain Needs Vitamin A - But Not Too Much! about false


Your Brain Needs Vitamin A - But Not Too Much!

After investigating a crucial nutrient that contributes to a better memory, researchers are still largely in the dark on how it influences neurons as we get older.But there's one thing the scientists

This Way of Eating Cuts Brain Loss in Half about false


This Way of Eating Cuts Brain Loss in Half

Inspired by the cuisine of people in Spain, Greece, Southern France and Italy, many health experts have strongly endorsed the Mediterranean diet in recent years.That's because this way of eating

Deficiency in This B Vitamin Can Be Dangerous (NOT B12) about false


Deficiency in This B Vitamin Can Be Dangerous (NOT B12)

They looked at the US diet, the Mediterranean diet, vegetarian diets. They looked at different calorie intakes.Whatever the diet or the amount of food Americans consume, the scientists sitting on the

Friendly Bacteria Give a Boost to Alzheimer's Patients about false


Friendly Bacteria Give a Boost to Alzheimer's Patients

Many people now consume probiotics in fermented foods like yogurt and in supplements, because scientific research confirms they improve digestion, reduce IBS symptoms and boost immunity.But

The Snack That Powers Up Memory about false


The Snack That Powers Up Memory

Snack foods are often nutritional disasters. Items like potato chips, fries or onion rings offer little to the body except fats rendered toxic by overheating and starches that raise your blood

Is There Such a Thing as Being Too Thin? about false


Is There Such a Thing as Being Too Thin?

The Duchess of Windsor famously said, “You can never be too rich or too thin.” Well, it seems maybe you can. . .To stay healthy, one of the things you always hear about is to keep your weight in

Tastes Sweet, Zero Calories, But Dangerous for Your Brain about false


Tastes Sweet, Zero Calories, But Dangerous for Your Brain

If you believe the marketing hype, a certain calorie-free ingredient added to soft drinks can help you lose weight. But the truth about this chemical additive is less reassuring.Researchers have

This is Nature's Perfect Food about false


This is Nature's Perfect Food

If there was one food that could increase good cholesterol, provide 13 essential vitamins and minerals, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes … while building muscle, making you feel full and

The Less You Eat, The Smarter You Get about false


The Less You Eat, The Smarter You Get

If you feel like a large part of your life is out of balance, your waistline is too big, your thinking and memory are not as sharp as you’d like, and your foods are unsatisfying, some researchers

When it's Good To Be Going Nuts about false


When it's Good To Be Going Nuts

This delicious food has a hard protective shell – much the way the brain has a skull. Its ‘meat’ is divided into two halves – the brain has two hemispheres. It’s covered in furrows – the brain is

Taking Probiotics Can Help Protect Your Brain about false


Taking Probiotics Can Help Protect Your Brain

New Discovery: Gut Bacteria Support Brain HealthEveryday, more than 2,000 Americans suffer strokes – what some medical folks call a brain attack.During an ischemic stroke – the most common kind — the

6 Foods That Protect You Against Alzheimer's about false


6 Foods That Protect You Against Alzheimer's

The role of diet in brain health has grown to such an extent that it even has its own name – neuro-nutrition. And no wonder: there’s strong evidence that some foods are especially good for cognitive

A Lot of People Still Don't Know About This Vitamin about false


A Lot of People Still Don't Know About This Vitamin

It’s been nicknamed “the forgotten vitamin”.Yes, when it comes to vitamins, most of us only know our alphabet from A to E. But there’s another one that lies beyond: Vitamin K.Even people who know

7 Best Snack Foods for Your Brain about false


7 Best Snack Foods for Your Brain

As a Natural Health Insiders reader, you know your diet is one of the mostimportant factors for keeping your brain healthy and your mind sharp for the rest of your life.But the one thing that can

Healthy Gut Microbes May Be Essential to Brain Health about false


Healthy Gut Microbes May Be Essential to Brain Health

Over 2000 years ago Hippocrates, the “Father of Western Medicine” said that all disease begins in the gut.One of the founders of immunology in the 19th century, Élie Metchnikoff, theorized that

Eating This Fruit Makes Your Mind Sharper about false


Eating This Fruit Makes Your Mind Sharper

The idea of protecting your brain with a tasty snack food may sound far-fetched. But research into the health benefits of a tiny, delicious fruit demonstrates that this morsel can appeal to both your